Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Florence Choir Sings Disney

The all volunteer choir at Florence Elementary put on their final performance of the year last night. It was a night of Florence Sings Disney.

It's always such a treat to watch one of your own kids perform. It doesn't matter if they are the lead in 'Cinderella' or a simple flag carrier during 'It's a Small World'. The joy you feel inside is still the same. Kellie sang her heart out to 'Colour of the Wind', 'Supercalifrajalistics...', 'Hakuna Matata', 'Under the Sea' and a few more.

The voices of children are naturally sweet and even just a little sweeter when one of them is your own.

My sweet Kellie.

The best flag carrier, ever!!
It's a Small World.

The flag carriers carried their flags up and down the aisles. (Isn't it fun to be the star of the show, even for a minute?)

The Florence Falcon Choir

"Hakuna Matata" It's a wonderful day!!

Kellie and her friend, Joanna, who is in the Florence Chime Choir as well.

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