Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rite of Passage?

Where has the time gone? Nearly 11 years ago, they placed a long awaited, beautiful baby boy in my arms. To say I was overjoyed would be an understatement. This beautiful boy has grown into a very handsome young man who loves to be outside riding his bike or any one of his scooters, playing computer games, eating cookies or just 'doing boy things.' He truly is, as I like to call him, "The Best Boy in the World!"

Over the Christmas break, Blake and his dad did the 'boy thing', or maybe I should call it, 'male bonding'. Whatever it is, I think my beautiful baby boy has passed through some sort of rite of passage as you can see. The only thing that doesn't make me so sad, is that he was SO happy at his success. He was a better shot than his dad! (We are having his 'prize' processed. We'll be enjoying a few venison roasts for Sunday dinner.)
Blake and Bob had a fantastic time together at Rough Creek Lodge hunting, zip-lining, and whatever else boys do when they hang out together. I am so grateful for the time they get to be together and do some 'male bonding.' If Blake turns out half as great as his dad, he'll be one wonderful, young man.

My American Girl

As 2008 draws to a close, one of my resolutions for the New Year is to become a little more technically savvy. (Okay, ALOT more technically savvy). It seems like today is as good a day as any to start, so here goes...

Kellie and I had an awesome day together. It was the perfect Mommy-Daughter date. We took Kellie's two (yes, two) American Girl dolls to the American Girl Bistro in Dallas. The 'four' of us had a delicious lunch together, complete with Kellie's favorite, chocolate shake for dessert.

I am so lucky to have a special little girl to hold hands and spend time with. It all came into perspective today when she looked up at me and said, "Mom, this is fun. I'm glad you weren't too busy today." I needed a gentle reminder that a mother should never be 'too busy' to hold hands with her American girl. Thanks, Kellie.