Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grateful Sunday

"Be thankful to God for all of your life's experiences.  The good ones are easy, but the negatives are the ones that will change your life!  With loving gratitude, you can soar to all levels in life.  Don't ever let anyone tell you different.  And never, never let anyone steal your dreams!"  
Christina Perry

On this second Sunday in April, here are a few things I'm thankful for...

*  A.Wonderful Stake Relief Society Women's Conference.  The sisters in the Colleyville, Texas stake were spiritually fed yesterday as we attended "Mary, Martha and Me"  We learned that it's okay that sometimes we feel like either Mary or Martha, as long as we always remember the 'one needful thing'; staying close to our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We attended 3 workshops, enjoyed an awesome skit and ate a fabulous boxed lunch.  For wonderful talented sisters and being reminded of my value as not only a Relief Society Sister, but also as a Daughter of God, Thank You.

*  Surprise phone calls from an 'old' treasured friend.  What a surprise when my special friend Jan Skousen called me on the phone this week.  We met our dear friends Jan and Jeff Skousen over twenty years ago when we were newleyweds in Mesa, Arizona.  Have you ever met someone and just knew you've known them before?  Well, that's how I feel about Jan.  It took us 20 years to connect again on earth and I'm so grateful we did.  She is definately a life-long friend!  I have been thinking so much about her lately.  She is the mother of twin baby girls, Annaliese and Mattia.  They turned 1 in March.  It is so much fun to catch up and express the concerns, challenges and joys of our hearts with each other. For Special Friends, Thank You.

*  Five Showings on our home.  After a long dry spell, the home buyers are finally out and about.  What a joy it is to actually keep my home clean for someone to see other than us!  The comments on our home are great.  Keep your fingers crossed for a quick sell!  We are excited to be together in Pennsylvania!  For the Abundance of Showings on our Home This Week, Thank You.

* Talents.  I would have never believed as a kid that I would ever be thankful for the many dollars spent by my parents on piano lessons in my behalf.  As an adult I am forever grateful for this gift that allows me the ability to serve others.  I volunteer to play the piano at Florence Elementary for Mrs. Knagg the music and choir director.  The children preformed their Spring Concert last Friday and again this coming Monday.  They are singing numbers from The Sound of Music.  How fun it is to hear the sweet voices of chidren!  For the Gift of Sharing my Talent With Others, Thank You.

* Visiting Teachers.  Visiting teachers?  And it's only April 11th?  Yes.  And they actually came on the 7th!!  I have the best visiting teachers ever.  Krista and Karma have been my visiting teachers for well over a year now.  I truly look forward to their phone calls and visits.  We love catching up on each other's lives.  But I love our amazing gospel centered conversations the most.  What a blessing it is to me to be able to learn and grow from such amazing, wise women.  They have shared some tender moments with me over the past six months.  They have definatey been on the Lord's errand.  I know I am in their prayers.  I know they love me.  And I truly love them.  For Special Visiting Teachers, Thank You.

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